Jarle Vikør Ekanger
Instrumentation Engineering Specialist, MSc, PhD
Jeg lager løsninger for instrumentering og innsamling av signaler i kraftverk og lignende industrielle miljøer. Da jeg samtidig inngår i FDB sitt utviklingslag for programvare har jeg hele datakjeden fra sensor til sluttbruker i tankene når jeg utvikler mine løsninger.
I FDB har jeg vært med å utvikle programvaren HydroCord Server som er FDB sitt produkt for datainnsamling og datatransport. Jeg har laget modeller som transporterer data kontinuerlig og uavhengig av forskjeller i sikkerhetsnivå mellom nettverk for avsender og mottager.
- Instrumentation Engineering Specialist, FDB ( 2016 ->)
- Fellow at NTNU -PhD, FDB (2011 - 2016)
PhD “Investigation of the relationship between water quality variations and cavitation occurrence in power plants”
NTNU, 2016:26 http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2381870
2011 – 2016
“Morphing skins to improve local flow behavior in a hydroturbine context” NTNU http://hdl.handle.net/11250/234337
Profesjonell kompetanse
- AutoDesk Inventor
- Arduino
- PCSchematic
- Visual Basic for Applications
- Detection of Draft Tube Surge and Erosive Blade Cavitation in a Full-Scale Francis Turbine, Journal of Fluids Engineering Jan 2015-011103
Main projects at FDB
- Cavitation monitoring, 2011-2016. Together with a hydropower operator and U of Catalonia- Barcelona (UPC).
Development and implementation of innovative cavitation monitoring device for the hydropower business. The solution can be applied in any flow system experiencing cavitation.
- Head of instrumentation in the EU H2020 RIA project AFC4Hydro, 2019-2023. Responsible for HW-SW solutions for data acquisition and control. Development and construction of solution for laboratory and fields tests. Several field trips involving start-up of systems and eventual troubleshooting.
- SW engineer for the development of FDBs data-acquistion solution, HydroCord. 2017-205.
– Programming activities from maintenance of FDBs “modular architecture”, on which HydroCord is based, to development of new features.
– Development of database solutions and database-HMIs for data-flows generated by hydropower operators.
– Lead developer for analysis plugin- functionality.